What to Expect
We are all about exalting King Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit to the honor and praise of God the Father. We know that God will show up every time we gather in worship, and because of this, we bring a certain intentionality to our worship.
We balance our reverence and liturgy through a relaxed and informal attitude. We are simply sinners redeemed by God, coming from all different backgrounds, seeking to walk in the sainthood that God has bestowed upon us. This leads to grateful hearts that explode in joy and worship! So, wear what makes you feel comfortable and come expectant and ready to worship our great God!
We believe that humans are liturgical creatures. This means that we learn and are formed through habit and repetition. Every detail of our worship is designed to direct our hearts to God. Every church has liturgy and form, even the most “non-liturgical” ones. If you look for it it is always there. If you cringe at the word liturgy, come and experience Spirit-filled liturgical worship! It is anything but boring!
All of our liturgy is projected on the screens, so it is easy to follow even if you aren’t familiar with this way of worshiping. If you are curious, come worship with us and check it out for yourself!
Parking is available in the parking lot at the end of the block at the corner of Frontage Rd and 20th Street SE, or anywhere on the yellow marked streets in the image above. The furthest spots aren’t more than a couple of blocks walk, so if you’re able, park a little further away so that those who can’t have closer spots!
Here’s a little secret for you; we actually start promptly at 9:33am. Come early and meet some new people, but don’t sweat it if you’re running a little behind, come on in and welcome home!